Featured Cameras
Featured Cameras
BirdDog P4K NDI Camera
BirdDog P4K NDI Camera
AIDA UHD6G-200 4K Camera
Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K
Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K
PTZOptics 20X-SDI Camera
PTZOptics 20X-SDI Camera
Cameras that Stream Dudes carries
BirdDog P4K NDI Camera
Aida Imaging UHD6G 200 Camera
BlackMagic Design Micro Studio Camera 4K
PTZOptics 20X SDI Camera
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Dude Approved: Recommended Cameras

Having the ability to capture high-quality video is crucial to the success of any broadcast or production. The team here at Stream Dudes knows full well that different cameras serve different budgets and production needs, which is we took some of the guesswork of suggesting the right camera for you. Through our research, our recommended cameras offer flexibility and real value.

Stream Dudes has the resources to supply you with a variety of equipment from most major manufacturers on the market. So if you need to have a particular piece of equipment for a bid spec, or something special for an upcoming project, Contact Us and one of our team members will help you get what you need.

Interested in more information on cameras? Check out our article “Popular PTZ Camera Solutions: A Comparison,” where we review four brands and respective cameras using their out-of-the-box settings.