Facebook Live: Is it the Right Platform for Streaming Professionals?

For the past several months, I have been the broadcast engineer for the Facebook Live streams used to connect viewers with the host and staff of The A.V. Club Hosted By John Teti. Although we have had several “successful” live streams, they weren’t without their technical hardships. For starters, let’s look at Facebook as a platform itself. Facebook started as a …

Live HDMI Output: One of the Best Reasons to Fly a 3DR Solo Drone

My first real introduction to 3D Robotics (3DR) was by way of their IRIS+ drone. With its “Follow-Me” technology, pre-programmed flight missions, and ability to utilize a GoPro camera, the IRIS+ proved to be such a compelling package that I purchased one for myself. Although I had some flight experience with (much) more basic drones, I wasn’t truly prepared for …

How Do I Stream my Live Webcasts in 4K?

“How do I stream my live webcasts in 4K?” I won’t lie- this question makes me cringe worse than nails on a chalkboard. Now, my cringing reaction isn’t because they asked a terrible question, but rather because of the infrastructure limitations that exist at the current moment. The biggest culprit that currently hinders the explosion of streaming 4K Ultra High Definition